Great Commission
"To make disciples, you must go fishing. The Great Commission leaves no place or time out. I fish at the doctors office, Walmart, Wendys, Golden corral, hospital, casino,(in the lobby or at exit) on my drive to KY. , motel, on my way to the Mission field.
What bait do I use? A tool given to me 40 years ago. Simple, Biblical, non confrontational, reproducible, non-denominational. "The Good News".
I go fishing when I go and the miracles are waiting. The murderer along the road, the guy with gun to head, the Catholic blind woman, the atheist Doctor - yes these and more."
- Charles Brock
4:19 Evangelism and Discipleship Podcasts
Follow the link below and listen to Toby DeHay (Pastor of Concord Missionary Baptist Church) and Director of Missions for Little Bethel Baptist Association Bill Egbert on a discussion about: "The Red Book"

Click here for more information on "The Red Book" - Good News For You
I Have Been Born Again, What Next?

Click here for more information on "The Green Book"